ungeplantes ist eingeplant
20 years Circus KAOS
KAOS Circus Hall, 2011
A play, a scream, the appartition of angels, a ghost, light, music, a walking globe casserole, word juggling, an excited audience, love declarations and the salvaltion of the world through Kaos.
That’s how it was planned…
In this play the evolution and 20 year history of Circus KAOS is shown visually by means of characters from past productions. In doing so a new story with artistic acts (unicycle, aerial silks, poles, trapeze among others) is created from elements of previous performances such as music, costumes and texts.
For its 20 year anniversary Circus KAOS organized, as done twice before (circus village 2001 & 2006), a residential community project where the young artists were living together. They were living in the circus hall, going to school from there and rehearsing together. This project led to an intensive conclusion of the one year creative development process of the performance. Living together made it possible to collect extraordinary experiences in social, creative and artistic areas and thus provided the children and teenagers with a unique experience of life.