Motopedagogical Playground (from 6 to 24 months old)
Our motopedagogical playground is an accompanied mother/father-child group for children from six months to two years old. The prepared space is full of materials and movement equipment to climb, balance, stand, slide etc., which challenge the children to have a try and experiment. The so-called “open material” (for example hoops, balls, baskets, boxes, cans, rings, lids, buckets, bowls, bottles, cloths) offers versatile utilizations for the children and lets them develop their imagination freely. The playground enables the perception and experience of their own body, the experimenting with different materials and the contact with other members of the group.
It gives children the space to do what they want to do on their own initiative and for what they are ready to do corresponding with their own developments in a suitably prepared enironment, without any external influences. In order to confront itself with new tasks, the child needs the trust and emotional security of its parental caregiver. Parents take on the role of the observer, sitting alongside the room they havve the possibility to observe and to get to know the self-determined activities of their children. Through their attentive presence they give their child the feeling of certainty and security. This forms the basis for the exploration of and experimentation with various movement and playing materials.
The playground lasts for approximately one hour and finishes with a shared song on the glockenspiel.
Gymnasium BAfEP 8, Albertgasse 38, 1080 Vienna
Currently not offered.